Thanks to our new ordering process, you can order products online much faster and easier. This way you save time in the kitchen operation!
You have 2 ordering options: #1. Webshop (for bulk purchase from UFS authorized distributors), or #2. e-Marketplace (Lazada & Shopee).
#1: Order from UFS Webshop:
1. Add products to Cart
To add products into shopping cart, you can either: (1) Add from your favorites list, (2) Repeat last order, or (3) Start shopping from catalogue.
2. Enter your delivery details
Enter your personal and delivery details during your first time order. These information will be saved for your next ordering; so next time when you order, you can immediately proceed to submit order.
3. Confirm details and submit!
Now, you can confirm your details at the summary page and proceed to submit your order. Your selected trade partner will receive the webshop order to process delivery.
#2: Buy from Lazada/Shopee:
1. Browse UFS products
Check out UFS full range of products (Knorr, Lady's Choice and Carte Dor) from our product catalogue.
2. 'Buy It Now' button
Click on the 'Buy It Now' button of your selected product and choose your preferred ecommerce platform: either Lazada or Shopee!